CMC International Compost Seminar

CMC International Compost Seminar

Erstellt von Silke Pöstinger in Veranstaltungen 02 Juli 2019

This year the 6th International Compost Seminar CMC (Controlled Microbial Composting) in the headquarter from Compost Systems GmbH in Wels in Austria will take place from the 14th to 18th October 2019.

The experienced trainers share knowledge about compost, soil, plants and the environment, natural laws and their correlations from their own experience and daily application.

The training program also covers important topics such as material flow management, quality assurance, system design, water, mass and air balances or the application of compost, soil substrates or compost tea.

It’s important to demonstrate the link between theory and practice. Accordingly, hands-on work takes place directly on-site, where participants can learn about process control, turning interval, water balance and measuring equipment.

The training course is targeted at plant operators as well as consultants, plant designers, compost users, lab assistants and anyone interested in compost and its effect.

You will find more information on the course programme as well as registration for the next CMC intensive course in the attachment.

Please register early as places are limited.

!! Only a few places available !!

Invitation International Compost Seminar 2019

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